I barely slept, last year I slept ten hours straight but now I was cramping up and writhing in pain trying to move my legs fast enough in bed to soothe them. I cringed walking to the bathroom with every muscle in my legs aching and screaming. I wanted to shower again and couldn't recall if I had to use hot or cold to lift the kinks so I went to find Joseph since he was an elite athlete back in Ireland and knows this stuff. The thought of getting into an ice bath wasn't exactly appealing but I needed anything to stop the cramping.
He grabbed a bag of ice that was about a third of my body size and dumped it into the bathtub then filled it with cold water; he had the ice ready to go for last night but I outright refused. I left on my underwear and sport bra so he could lower me in...if left alone I would never have the courage to just sit in ice water, I needed the push...literally.
It must have looked like he was trying to baptize a cat because I was holding onto shower doors and trying to not touch the water while clinging onto him until my fingers hurt. I lasted 90 seconds before I started crying and trying to jump right back out. He leaned back in through the doors and pulled me out after trying to talk me into letting it numb my skin and muscles but I couldn't, I could barely take a breath from the shock.
After I warmed up and had something we eat we each packed a bag...Atlantic City awaits...
The journey of how I opened my marriage and live one week a month as a single woman in NYC.
About Me

- Natalie Wanner
- My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Monday, 26 March 2018
New Friends XXXV
I stood at the bottom of the stairs and winced, my leg could barely lift high enough to reach the step. Joseph grabbed my bag from the truck and stood beside me laughing, knowing it was like climbing a mountain. I put my arm around his neck and he placed his arm around my waist then lifted me enough to help me take the steps up. I walked to the back of the house and flopped on the bed, I was afraid to take off my shoes because last year so much of my skin went with them and my socks. Last year my son had me sit in an ice bath for ten minutes promising that it would help me feel better in the morning...he was right but thought right now is almost too much. I sat up and unlaced my shoes until my shoes were able to open wide enough that I didn't have to slide out of them. Everything feels tight and I'd almost rather cut my clothes off my body then try and wiggle out of them. I have nothing left in me and wobbled when I stood, I sat back down hoping to gain strength. I heard a knock on the door and after a brief moment I answered...Joseph was standing on the other side with a large cheese pizza from just down the street. I'll eat then shower...Atlantic City in the morning....
Saturday, 24 March 2018
New Friends XXXIV
We took a picture together with our medals and exchanged contact information then she went to find her friends while I decided if I was going to walk the extra half mile to get my things on Cherry Hill. I found a young woman that was volunteering and asked if I could grab them the next day otherwise they could keep whatever was in the bag...I barely remember. She was great. she flashed me a sideways smile and told me to sit tight while she ran to get them for me. I could feel every muscle in my body tighten and I don't remember it feeling this bad last year but perhaps that's because I spent an extra 25 minutes pounding the pavement this time. After I had my bag I had to climb two long flights of stairs then cross over and come down the other side and walk out Central Park West and it almost feels like a cruel joke to have stairs and hills at the end of the 26.2 miles and I was feeling less amused with each step. Thank goodness Joseph is picking me up and even he had to park on Amsterdam so there was another two to three blocks...I couldn't wait to take off my shoes and throw them in the garbage. I grabbed my phone out of my sports bra and texted Dan and my son, I became a touch emotional thinking about how I finished last year with my son cheering me over the finish line and I missed them. I had a text message from the woman who was supposed to run with us, she dropped out at mile eight and took the bus back to her hotel. I felt bad that she didn't finish but instantly happy that I didn't wait or stay with her because I would have likely hopped on the bus too knowing I was so far behind and feeling discouraged with each street opening.
Joseph was waiting on the corner for me and literally had to lift me into the truck, I had nothing left in me and was wondering how I was going to climb all the stairs to get into his house. Monica and her family were in the back seat and I was happy to see her and know that she crossed the finish line too. Joseph brought me chocolate milk and sweet treats; I was hungry and weak sharing the bag between Monica and myself...she didn't even look tired...wtf? We drove them to Chelsea and dropped them at their hotel. Last year we waited hours for a cab on the upper west side and I immediately felt grateful for Joseph and his kindness...he's a great man. The east side was almost all cleaned up and back to fully functioning by the time we hit the midtown tunnel. Gluten free can kiss my ass...I'm going to eat some NY pizza...
Joseph was waiting on the corner for me and literally had to lift me into the truck, I had nothing left in me and was wondering how I was going to climb all the stairs to get into his house. Monica and her family were in the back seat and I was happy to see her and know that she crossed the finish line too. Joseph brought me chocolate milk and sweet treats; I was hungry and weak sharing the bag between Monica and myself...she didn't even look tired...wtf? We drove them to Chelsea and dropped them at their hotel. Last year we waited hours for a cab on the upper west side and I immediately felt grateful for Joseph and his kindness...he's a great man. The east side was almost all cleaned up and back to fully functioning by the time we hit the midtown tunnel. Gluten free can kiss my ass...I'm going to eat some NY pizza...
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
New Friends XXXIII
It was cold, I don't remember feeling this cold last year but I know I had my running shirt tied around my waist...I didn't this year. My new friend, Lindsay, untied the one around her waist and handed it to me so I could cover my arms but had to be sure not to pull it down to cover my number or I'd be disqualified. By the time we entered Central Park there was no longer talk of not finishing, this would be a done deal if we had to carry each other. I watched her hug her parents and could see the tears in her eyes...they will find out in a few short weeks not only how incredibly strong their daughter is but that they will be grandparents...I feel proud for them, and her. As we left Central Park and hit the street coming down Central Park South we made a pact to cross the finish line running side by side. I started to feel my own emotions rise remembering back to last year when I came around the corner in the final stretch and saw my son cheering me on and witnessing me cross that finish line. I looked at Lindsay and thought about the story she already has to tell her little one...it's sweet and beautiful. We passed Columbus Circle and entered the park for the last time...I could see the Canadian flag among the rest and swallowed the lump in my throat...400 metres to go, we smiled at each other and smiled for the cameras...
Sunday, 18 March 2018
New Friends XXXII
It felt like I was lunging up the bridge, slow with long strides. I remember thinking, "How fucking long is this damn bridge?" but I didn't just think it I was also saying it out loud because I hear a little voice to the right agree with me, "I know I feel like I have been on it for hours." I looked over to a woman who looked to be a few years younger than me also struggling with the bridges. We laughed at our misery and introduced ourselves. She's a lawyer from Texas trying to fulfill a bucket list item by completing the NYC marathon. Her friends ran ahead when she couldn't keep pace any longer and she was feeling a little defeated. She had a time in mind during her training that she wanted to make or break and with every step she knew that she would most likely double that time. She found out last week that she is eight weeks pregnant and considered not doing the race but it would raise too many flags among all of her friends and family that came to cheer her on...I'm the only one other than her husband who knows she's pregnant. She made a few comments about just walking away because of her time but I did everything to keep her on the road, after all we already passed the halfway marker and were well on our way up 1st avenue in Manhattan. This stretch is brutal and last year I found myself getting emotional hoping for the end and knowing I still have ten miles ahead. My only goal this year was to beat my last years time but now, walking with my new friend who didn't even know if she could finish I threw out all of my expectations...I wasn't leaving her and we are crossing the finish line together. I couldn't leave her because if she fell or fainted no one would know she is pregnant, not that I took her on as my responsibility, we became friends and I wanted to support her in finishing her own race. My only real goal is to cross the finish line but if I can help her do it too then even better. "Listen, we're going to talk about quitting and finishing a lot in the next few miles but no matter what we are getting our medals." I started grabbing food from the crowd for her and we laughed at how on any other day we wouldn't be eating opened food out of strangers hands but once you get through the Bronx, arrive back into Manhattan and hit 5th Avenue...I'd eat just about anything.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
New Friends XXXI
Monica stayed in our group even though she qualified for a faster one. The three of us lined up with thousands of others and waited for the signal to start. Last year I think it was a full thirty seconds before I was able to take my first step, it's overly crowded while crossing the Verrazano Bridge but once on the other side it's all open. The plan was to speed walk the entire race because the woman I was with couldn't run due to a hip but once it started the plans had to change. I wasn't prepared to run but I wasn't prepared to casually walk either, when she couldn't speed walk I had to pick up my own race and slowly I started to walk faster and faster until I was running...and today I had the legs. Monica was beside me and I continuously looked back for our co-runner but we lost sight of her and that shouldn't have happened if she was on the pace we agreed upon. I felt bad but I have to run my own race and I still need to finish. Eyes forward and we pushed on through Brooklyn running for ten minutes and walking for two, keeping pace with the running group around us.
By the time I hit mile ten I wanted to jump from a bridge, my heart was racing, I could barely catch my breath and my chest was feeling heavy again. I sent Monica ahead because I needed to walk and catch my breath but didn't want to mess with her run time. I kept a great pace, the pace I was going to start with. I was blowing by people and covering the pavement with each step I could walk faster than I could run. It was nice to be done with Staten Island and Brooklyn but once you turn that corner and see the Queensborough Bridge it's almost enough to suck the wind right out of you...it's brutal and intimidating but I know from experience that the half way marker is in the middle of that bridge and then the rest is just finishing. Sounds easy enough...
By the time I hit mile ten I wanted to jump from a bridge, my heart was racing, I could barely catch my breath and my chest was feeling heavy again. I sent Monica ahead because I needed to walk and catch my breath but didn't want to mess with her run time. I kept a great pace, the pace I was going to start with. I was blowing by people and covering the pavement with each step I could walk faster than I could run. It was nice to be done with Staten Island and Brooklyn but once you turn that corner and see the Queensborough Bridge it's almost enough to suck the wind right out of you...it's brutal and intimidating but I know from experience that the half way marker is in the middle of that bridge and then the rest is just finishing. Sounds easy enough...
Sunday, 11 March 2018
New Friends XXX
I was assigned to bus number 1, which I located about two blocks away from where he dropped me off. I found an empty seat near the front of the bus where most of the people were. Everyone was talking about their accomplishments, some were trying to run in under 4 hours, others were trying to break a personal best of 3 hours, someone raised almost a million dollars for the Team for Kids charity; this is the second year I raised money to run for the children of NYC. The gentleman across from me was going to be televised because this is his 6th major marathon this year and is being honoured for it. Then there was me, I finished 46,464th last year with a time of 6 hours and 5 minutes...I double checked my ticket to make sure I was on the right bus.
It took almost an hour even with police escort to reach Staten Island and the runners village. The girl I was running with from home found me about an hour after I arrived and together we went looking for Joseph's cousin. We had to leave our charity tent and head out into the sea of thousands of people and try to find one person...whom I have never laid eyes on. We stood at an intersection while I texted her the scene around me and hopefully from there be able to locate me...what a mess and my anxiety was only growing, which was making my bladder feel incredible small. I swear I pee every three minutes just from nerves around this run.
I hear, "Natalie?" from behind and turn around to see Monica.
It took almost an hour even with police escort to reach Staten Island and the runners village. The girl I was running with from home found me about an hour after I arrived and together we went looking for Joseph's cousin. We had to leave our charity tent and head out into the sea of thousands of people and try to find one person...whom I have never laid eyes on. We stood at an intersection while I texted her the scene around me and hopefully from there be able to locate me...what a mess and my anxiety was only growing, which was making my bladder feel incredible small. I swear I pee every three minutes just from nerves around this run.
I hear, "Natalie?" from behind and turn around to see Monica.
Friday, 9 March 2018
New Friends XXIX
I sat with my feet up and on his daughters nebulizer for three days trying to rest and loosen whatever was attacking my lungs. I could barely breathe without coughing or having a coughing fit. My chest felt tight and my head felt swollen from pressure, either from the flight or from the sickness but I was uncomfortable and worried about my 4am wake up to get my bus in midtown. I was starting to smell like a medicine cabinet and Joseph was in the kitchen like a mad scientist trying to whip up some old family brew to try and help me sleep...I hope it has whiskey in it...he's Irish, of course an old family brew has whiskey.
The last thing I remember was listening to Joseph tell me about his cousin who is also running the race and is hoping to run with someone. I think I agreed because while I was getting dressed he was telling me her name and looks so I could spot her...amongst 50k other runners. I sat on the edge of the couch and laced up my shoes...this is my last one, I'm not falling for the runners high this time and signing up again...I hope. He handed me a warm tea, grabbed my bag and opened the door to the brisk morning. The drive was easy, I don't know that I have ever seen the streets this empty and I can remember seeing traffic jams at 3am going into the midtown tunnel...but this morning everything was still and quiet. My friend from back home was on a different bus than me and Joseph's cousin is taking the ferry across and somehow we will all meet up. I leaned across and kissed him on the cheeks to thank him for getting up at a god awful hour just to take me into the city. "I'll be on the west side to pick you up but I'll have to be two blocks over because of security". Oh yeah, I almost forgot how awful it was last year after I finished the race and had to wait for a taxi while trying to hold myself up. My son was with me...how would I have done this alone? "No problem, I'll text when I pass through the Bronx and have less than five miles to go". He smiled and tossed me a gluten free bar, "See you at the finish". Fuck I hope I finish...
The last thing I remember was listening to Joseph tell me about his cousin who is also running the race and is hoping to run with someone. I think I agreed because while I was getting dressed he was telling me her name and looks so I could spot her...amongst 50k other runners. I sat on the edge of the couch and laced up my shoes...this is my last one, I'm not falling for the runners high this time and signing up again...I hope. He handed me a warm tea, grabbed my bag and opened the door to the brisk morning. The drive was easy, I don't know that I have ever seen the streets this empty and I can remember seeing traffic jams at 3am going into the midtown tunnel...but this morning everything was still and quiet. My friend from back home was on a different bus than me and Joseph's cousin is taking the ferry across and somehow we will all meet up. I leaned across and kissed him on the cheeks to thank him for getting up at a god awful hour just to take me into the city. "I'll be on the west side to pick you up but I'll have to be two blocks over because of security". Oh yeah, I almost forgot how awful it was last year after I finished the race and had to wait for a taxi while trying to hold myself up. My son was with me...how would I have done this alone? "No problem, I'll text when I pass through the Bronx and have less than five miles to go". He smiled and tossed me a gluten free bar, "See you at the finish". Fuck I hope I finish...
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
New Friends XXVIII
We walked along the boardwalk and he doesn't know I was here before...with a different man. His name was John, he is Irish too. I'll tell Joseph but not right now. We walked back and forth watching the ships lights get closer as they approached the shore line and talking about football. The wind was warm but I felt cold after a day of tired travel so we headed back to the truck.
The drive back had far less traffic and we were in Queens before I knew it. He pulled my luggage to the top of the stairs then held open the door for me. Jospeh brought my bag to the master suite and lifted it onto his make shift luggage rack. I walked down the hallway just behind him and noticed he had a pile of his own clothes laid out on the bed on another room. Should I invite him to stay in his own room? With me? I never said a word and just kept walking. He placed two towels on my bed and closed the door behind him. I opened my suitcase and found some pieces that would pass as pyjamas then made my way to the shower.
The drive back had far less traffic and we were in Queens before I knew it. He pulled my luggage to the top of the stairs then held open the door for me. Jospeh brought my bag to the master suite and lifted it onto his make shift luggage rack. I walked down the hallway just behind him and noticed he had a pile of his own clothes laid out on the bed on another room. Should I invite him to stay in his own room? With me? I never said a word and just kept walking. He placed two towels on my bed and closed the door behind him. I opened my suitcase and found some pieces that would pass as pyjamas then made my way to the shower.
Sunday, 4 March 2018
New Friends XXVII
The pressure from flying was doing nothing to help me and my head was starting to feel as congested as my chest. I grabbed my luggage off of the belt and made my way outside to the meridian to wait for Joseph. He was already standing beside his truck, like an out of place Uber driver, when I walked through the sliding doors. He lit up when I caught his eye and I cannot say for sure that I didn't do the same. He placed my luggage in the back seat and opened the front door for me...he always does.
The construction at the airport was making leaving more than just a little inconvenient but we finally merged onto the Grand Central then on to the Meadow Brook Parkway and straight out to Long Beach. He decided to take me to dinner by the ocean, hoping the ocean air would help my lungs open up a little and offer some relief. I run in three days and I'm starting to wonder if I'll have to walk the entire distance. I laid my seat back and he opened the sun roof...the sky was clear and the stars were twinkling...it's a beautiful night for a drive.
The construction at the airport was making leaving more than just a little inconvenient but we finally merged onto the Grand Central then on to the Meadow Brook Parkway and straight out to Long Beach. He decided to take me to dinner by the ocean, hoping the ocean air would help my lungs open up a little and offer some relief. I run in three days and I'm starting to wonder if I'll have to walk the entire distance. I laid my seat back and he opened the sun roof...the sky was clear and the stars were twinkling...it's a beautiful night for a drive.
Friday, 2 March 2018
New Friends XXVI
I woke with a heavy chest and swollen throat. I stood in the shower hoping the steam would help me be able to breathe with a little relief. The race was in just in a few days and my flight was only three hours away. I wanted to crawl back into bed and forget NY and the race, it was definitely a DayQuil day.
Coffee, vitamin C chewables, and DayQuil was about all I could stand to ingest throughout the day. Food was unappealing and difficult to swallow. I let Joseph know I was through security and on my way and informed him of my cold. He has a daughter who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a baby and I don't want to infect his place and potentially make her sick...especially since mine is sitting right in my chest. I could always stay with Christine or Clarence but I did prefer Joseph's. I rested my head on the back of my seat and closed my eyes...42 kilometres is going to feel like a hundred.
Coffee, vitamin C chewables, and DayQuil was about all I could stand to ingest throughout the day. Food was unappealing and difficult to swallow. I let Joseph know I was through security and on my way and informed him of my cold. He has a daughter who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a baby and I don't want to infect his place and potentially make her sick...especially since mine is sitting right in my chest. I could always stay with Christine or Clarence but I did prefer Joseph's. I rested my head on the back of my seat and closed my eyes...42 kilometres is going to feel like a hundred.
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