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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Sunday, 10 May 2015

New York State of Mind X

I spotted Mike in a corner booth drinking coffee and looking at his phone.  He looked rough and I know I look the same.  He looked up and I wondered if he noticed me staring, I didn't mean to look creepy but I was worried that any sudden movement would make me throw up or fall down...I think I'm still intoxicated.  I threw my purse on the bench and slowly slid into booth, he put his phone down and I could see him smiling at me out of corner of my eye.  "Good morning Natalie, did you sleep?"  That sounded like a nice way to say, 'you look like shit'.  I placed my forehead on the table and could hear him order me coffee and water; he tousled my hair and I could hear him laughing at me.  "Mike, I'm pretty sure I'm dying".  I looked up and he was sipping his coffee and looking at me, he is so sweet and kind.  He looked rough but still great, what the hell?  We had the same night so why does he look like he slept and I look like the walk of shame.  

We ordered breakfast against my better judgement and recalled the night.  I met his work crew after dinner over drinks and they were probably the most interesting group of people I have met in a long time.  They shared stories about all the shows they worked on and celebrities they work with; I was star struck without even seeing a star.  These guys are like the mafia of television; you have to be brought into the trade and typically it is only as one reaches their retirement, there is no school for this and only a handful exist.  Mike is completely self made and is not only successful but really great at what he does.  I asked him if he would take me to work one day, he smiled and offered to take me to a taping but I'd have to be in an audience and not behind the scenes with him.  These guys are completely desensitized to the people they work for and talk like their old friends; I'm in awe listening and absorbing all the stories like there will be an exam afterwards.  We all sat around the Irish pub and listened to music, people watched, shared stories and drank way too much until we all finally made our way back to our rooms with the sun chasing us. 

I had an amazing night and felt a little sad now that breakfast was wrapping up and I had to head back to Manhattan and he had to get to work.  He paid the bill and we walked over to Starbucks to grab some ice coffees.  "So I'll see you in a couple of weeks in Chicago".  Oh yeah, that keeps slipping my mind.  I'm heading there with my brothers to watch a game, I should tell him that.  I can't believe he booked a flight and I'm starting to see he's crazy like me, not 'burn your house down crazy' but crazy enough to book a flight to see me again in a different city...I like that we share this.  He walked me to the elevator and thanked me for taking a day out of my vacation to meet him.  I teased that he owed me a full day in Manhattan...he laughed and agreed.  I already can't wait to see him again...the doors closed and I caught his last smile. 

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