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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

The Dawn XII

After half a pack of cigarettes and far too much alcohol we decided to take a cab back to Chelsea and call it a night.  It's my last night in NY for a month and what started out as awful turned into one of my favourite trips and we still laughed about my liquid lunch.   For a city with more taxi's than my entire country it sure was difficult to find one in Time's Square at 3am...so much for a city that never sleeps.  Walking in heels at the beginning of the night was difficult so after all the beer and wine it felt near impossible.  Carl offered to give me a piggyback but I'm not confident in his walking skills at this point.  We finally waved a cab down after four blocks...thank god.

We jumped out of the cab close to the hotel, we decided to grab some food and watch tv until we fell asleep...should take about ten minutes.   We walked arm and arm down the block, it helped us walk straight and not fall all over the place.  The neighbourhood looked deserted except for two other people walking ahead of us.  We were staying in the 'Gayborhood' and the people were amazingly open and just themselves; fearless in their own identities.  As we walked more people poured out of clubs and restaurants and we agreed it was a cool place to stay and loved the vibe.   This may be my new favourite area..how fitting for someone going through an identity crisis.  The people watching was top notch at this time of night and I imagine others watching us felt the same.  Carl noticed a young man walking ahead of us with a hat on and commented that he liked the hat and out of nowhere took off running.  One minute we're casually walking through the Gayborhood and the next my British friend is running down the street towards some young man yelling for him to stop...I could barely believe it.  The poor guy must be terrified of this large man running at him and yelling so I took off as fast as I could in four inch heels trying to catch Carl before he caught the guy.  I imagine this looks absolutely crazy to anyone watching and although I know Carl is not a mean person and believes in equal rights and opportunity...the guy he is chasing has no idea.  I seen the couple duck into a shop selling food and Carl wasn't far behind...I followed and hoped I wasn't too late.  I found them all talking when I finally came through the door and I was relieved...for the poor men we chased.  They were really nice and as understanding as they were, Carl didn't get to try on the hat and they refused to sell it to him.  I however got reasonable fashion advice and invited on a shopping trip...I love this place.

Carl and I got back to the room, changed and turned not he tv.  It was a perfect end to this trip and I am so sad our time ends tomorrow.  I enjoyed learning about him and sharing with him, he assured me he would come into town whenever I visited and I believe he will.  Carl is someone who lives his life openly and just wants to be happy and that doesn't come at the expense of others.  This is exactly the types of friendships I want and the people I want to share my new life with.  He's my NY Dan...

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