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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Moving Forward I

After what felt like a long time crossing the bridge I finally know I am it over and now I just turn my back on it, take a deep breath and keep walking...I may have jumped and clicked my heels a few times.  Looking at this new slate should feel overwhelming but it's not, it's just something I have put off until now.  Maybe this is something we all go through but some do it sooner than others and some just don't know how to take the leap.  I have accumulated so many fears during my life time that I actually have to start weighing them out against each other; I'm terrified to fly but I am more afraid to never leave my home.  I'm afraid of what my life will look like now but I had to make the change because things were starting to look bleak.  I understand I did things differently than others and that my life is now different than most of you but I am so utterly happy in my life that everyday I enjoy it more and more and think about you less and less.  Only as time passes am I able to realize that my happiness comes from pouring my energy into myself and my family and not even thinking about what you are doing.  I used to have strong opinions about how others lived and the choices they made and I was one of those that stood back and judged because it was easier than fixing myself.  Concentrating on others made it easy to escape my own issues as if that was actually productive and healthy.  I don't want to be the gossipy, caddy woman I had been for most of my life, putting down people as a way to bond with others...as if stepping on you made me better.  I have so much work to do on myself I can no longer be bothered with what you are doing, and the less I think about others the better I feel and the less pressure I have to conform to an idea I don't believe in.  Perhaps now I will be the one talked about...serves me might to be judged. 

I opened my computer and started my blog, I am doing this for me, to fill my dream...but please feel free to follow along. 


  1. I have followed along on your journey for a few months now. Your writing has been a big encouragement to me. I turned 36 this year and hit a massive brick wall. I realized I have lived the life people have expected me to live for so long. I have drowned out the real me. I don't have any answers and the journey has been scary. Part of the processes has been blogging and in a way your blog has helped me let out what has been trapped in my heart. Thanks! -Jeremiah

  2. Hi Jeremiah,

    I am so happy that you find comfort in my words and experiences. I think we were brought up in a time where it was easiest to teach us to conform and blend in. Happiness is not universal and you have every right to find your own. At the end if you get to watch it over then it should excite you just as much to watch it as it did to experience it. As long as you live your life without hurting others then feel fee to do it unapologetically. Thanks so much for following and I hope you find your path and allow yourself to follow it. Take care friend and please reach out anytime.


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