I woke early and packed my things, I have to head to the airport in half an hour and I don't have time to get a coffee. I jumped out of the shower to several messages from WestJet...cancelled. Shit! I called down to the front desk to keep my room but the hotel is booked. I flipped open my computer and started shopping for a room for the night and although I love the city it can be quite expensive and I cringe while I pull out my credit card.
The door man grabbed me a cab out front to take me and my oversized luggage eleven blocks to my new hotel. The Belvedre seems dated but they have the largest and cleanest rooms I have witness in the Times Square area except of course for the time I scored the suite with Carl. I pushed my luggage over and grabbed a raincoat...no point in sitting in doors all day.
The journey of how I opened my marriage and live one week a month as a single woman in NYC.
About Me

- Natalie Wanner
- My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
The Writer XXIII
I found him sitting at the bar drinking a glass of red wine with ice so I climbed on the bar stool next to him and ordered a Heineken. He's checking his fantasy baseball team and hasn't noticed me yet. I leaned over and took his phone out of his hand to capture his attention and laughed just before he snapped. He hugged me then handed me a menu...dear god i don't think I can eat. I pretended to look through it but lost interest in food when we started to discuss our fantasy sports teams. He's hilarious and I find his feisty attitude entertaining which only makes me want to bring it out even more. We ordered another round of drinks and I am completely engaged in the date and make a mental note to keep in touch with him. Clarence is a little older than the age range I typically date but it doesn't bother me in the least. We laughed about our dating experiences and discussed our favourite football teams and vacation spots.
He paid the bill and I walked him to his car so he could head back to Jersey. I don't think Clarence is someone that I would be intimate with but he is definitely someone I want to be my friend and I hope I see him when I come back and often.
I walked across the street to my hotel and turned left to head down to Columbus Circle. I just wanted to walk around before I head out tomorrow morning. It seems surreal that I was here writing with a mag in Soho...life is so funny once you learn how to work it...
He paid the bill and I walked him to his car so he could head back to Jersey. I don't think Clarence is someone that I would be intimate with but he is definitely someone I want to be my friend and I hope I see him when I come back and often.
I walked across the street to my hotel and turned left to head down to Columbus Circle. I just wanted to walk around before I head out tomorrow morning. It seems surreal that I was here writing with a mag in Soho...life is so funny once you learn how to work it...
Monday, 28 December 2015
The Writer XXII
I finally popped out on Fifth Ave and found the train to Queens. I have wanted to tour Astoria for months and only did a brief drive thru with Davis a long time ago. I found my stop and it was pouring rain by the time I found June's Beattle.
We drove through the neighborhoods and found a great Japanese restaurant where we decided to sit under an umbrella on the street. June is incredible; his work is like nothing I have ever experienced and I am constantly in awe. His art is haunting and dark and his life like doll Ava is extraordinary. I have so many questions about her; she is a life like sex doll he ordered for his final project for school. He paid like ten thousand dollars and all I can think about is how one would clean the doll out after sex. I thought about asking but then settled for asking if he actually has sex with her...he does not but his photo shoot for eternal happiness definitely makes me wonder. He told me about how he used to be engaged and after she left him he decided that his project would be a story about capturing a happiness that could never be taken away and it's the only time I can ever remember thinking how romantic and creepy all at the same time. He is so talented, sweet and amazing and I love learning about him. June is like no one I have ever met and I really hope that this is not the last time I will see him. I teased him that he should shoot the cover for my book and once he agrees I made him shake on it...his work is so good I believe he would be able to capture my beautiful crazy spirit with a lens.
We paid the bill and I waited for him to grab the car. He's going to drive me back to my hotel and I'm a little sad I have other plans and can't stay longer.
I hugged my new friend before I got out of the car and we promised to stay in touch and get together when we are both in the city. I stood under the awning of my hotel and read my message from Clarence...he's waiting for me in the bar attached to my hotel...what are the odds?
We drove through the neighborhoods and found a great Japanese restaurant where we decided to sit under an umbrella on the street. June is incredible; his work is like nothing I have ever experienced and I am constantly in awe. His art is haunting and dark and his life like doll Ava is extraordinary. I have so many questions about her; she is a life like sex doll he ordered for his final project for school. He paid like ten thousand dollars and all I can think about is how one would clean the doll out after sex. I thought about asking but then settled for asking if he actually has sex with her...he does not but his photo shoot for eternal happiness definitely makes me wonder. He told me about how he used to be engaged and after she left him he decided that his project would be a story about capturing a happiness that could never be taken away and it's the only time I can ever remember thinking how romantic and creepy all at the same time. He is so talented, sweet and amazing and I love learning about him. June is like no one I have ever met and I really hope that this is not the last time I will see him. I teased him that he should shoot the cover for my book and once he agrees I made him shake on it...his work is so good I believe he would be able to capture my beautiful crazy spirit with a lens.
We paid the bill and I waited for him to grab the car. He's going to drive me back to my hotel and I'm a little sad I have other plans and can't stay longer.
I hugged my new friend before I got out of the car and we promised to stay in touch and get together when we are both in the city. I stood under the awning of my hotel and read my message from Clarence...he's waiting for me in the bar attached to my hotel...what are the odds?
Saturday, 26 December 2015
The Writer XXI
Gerry and Angela left this morning but I don't fly out until tomorrow. I woke early, grabbed a coffee in the shop on my way out the door and made my way to Central Park. I have a a lunch appointment in Astoria with a photographer we are trying to get to be a part of the magazine and then I have dinner plans with a firefighter from Jersey...I'm hoping a masturbating fireman is something you only experience once in a lifetime.
Central Park West just might be my favourite street on the planet. I crossed the street and stepped into the park. It is so humid out my t-shirt is sticking to me already and I have no idea how these people run like they do without passing out. I already know I will not be able to train for my marathon here and realize if it was any sooner in the year I would likely be a casualty of dropping out or just dropping on the side of the road. I made my way to Strawberry Fields and listened to a haunting version of 'Imagine' while I walked around the memorial and made a mental note to bring Dan. The best part is getting lost in the park and trying my hardest not to find my way out.
Central Park West just might be my favourite street on the planet. I crossed the street and stepped into the park. It is so humid out my t-shirt is sticking to me already and I have no idea how these people run like they do without passing out. I already know I will not be able to train for my marathon here and realize if it was any sooner in the year I would likely be a casualty of dropping out or just dropping on the side of the road. I made my way to Strawberry Fields and listened to a haunting version of 'Imagine' while I walked around the memorial and made a mental note to bring Dan. The best part is getting lost in the park and trying my hardest not to find my way out.
Thursday, 24 December 2015
The Writer XX
He looks exactly like his pictures and maybe it's my own fault for thinking he would be taller than he actually was. We ordered drinks and dinner and I settled in to learn all about this small town boy who grew up to become a biophysicist with two Phd's; sweet jesus I barely got through my undergrad. Clearly he's intelligent and if it's not obvious he will let you know and the more he talks the more he reveals and his arrogance has no filter. We talked about his work and research and it's quite interesting but also sounds brutally monotonous. His weakness is his intelligence, he protects it and flaunts it all at the same time...I'm going to have fun. When I asked about his research team he did his best not to stand on the chair and yell to the world that he was the smartest one on the team other than the lead scientist. I wondered what type of women he dated, so I asked. The only real information I received was that he prefers to not date woman who are smarter than he is, in fact he outright states that he won't even be friends with someone he believed may be more intelligent than him. I was picking through my salad while he was verbally blowing himself when I looked up and asked, "do you think you're the smartest person on this date?" I mean I know in terms of academics we are not even close to being in the same boat but I'm going to make him say it right to my face. He put his head down and I watched him closely because either he has to become humble fast or he has to tell me that the main reason we are having dinner is because I am not his intellectual equal...and I'm all ears waiting for him to decide the path he's about to take. He looks at me and smiles and I throw back my best smart ass smile with a raised eyebrow, he pleads the fifth and I let him off the hook for now. I moved on and asked about his ink since it appears to have a religious theme which seems odd since I think science and religion don't go hand in hand, but I could be wrong. Turns out he is a catholic scientist and I may not be the smartest person at the table but he must realize how much those two words do not belong together in the same sentence. He explains that he is smart enough to know that we know very little about our universe and that the possibility of a 'God' exists so he is 'playing the numbers' so that if there is a heaven he will get in. My fork bounced off of my plate and onto the floor which is exactly where my jaw ended up. I attempted to discuss how being kind to others should be an end in itself and not a means to an end but he was having none of it, all of his actions are based on the afterlife and it is the only reason he does good deeds. He pulled out his wallet and took out two small pictures of children that he sponsors from Central America; I can only assume he keeps them close to him incase someone questions his so called 'good deeds'.
We paid the bill and walked out into the streets that were filled with people and music, I love this city. We walked over to Central Park and chatted for a bit. It was late by the time he walked me back to my hotel and it was time to end this before I pushed him into oncoming traffic.
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
The Writer XVIIII
The bridge has some of the best views of the city and you can almost look past the ridiculous amount of people trying to do the same thing as yourself. It reminds me of the time Dan and I were in San Francisco riding a tandem bike over the Golden Gate Bridge, the people make it easy to lose the beauty and serenity of it all. I had an amazing time with Gerry and Angela; they feed this spot in my confidence and are constantly encouraging me to write...write every single day and write because I have to and not because others want me to. I was exhausted by the time I got back to the hotel and only had time to rinse in the shower and change into something presentable for dinner.
I found a seat by the window and waited for my date, I always like to arrive first so they can play Where's Waldo cause it's too nerve racking for me. He should be pretty easy to spot though, a ginger with several piercings and tattoos.
I found a seat by the window and waited for my date, I always like to arrive first so they can play Where's Waldo cause it's too nerve racking for me. He should be pretty easy to spot though, a ginger with several piercings and tattoos.
Monday, 21 December 2015
The Writer XVIII
I finally settled into my new hotel and it was beautiful with the best location; right across the street from the Lincoln Centre and a few blocks from Central Park and Columbus Circle. My date last night lasted less than an hour, once I discovered he was married I immediately left the restaurant. I won't date a married man, at least not one that is cheating and lying. I have found several people in open relationships and I'm cool with that but I worked hard to be honest so I refuse to be a secret because someone else doesn't want to 'hurt' their spouse. I'm always amazed by the arrogance and entitlement when I hear someone defend their reasons for lying and I have no interest in being a part of that mess.
I moved my toiletries into the washroom and hung some clothes in the closet. I'm meeting Angela and Gerry by the Brooklyn Bridge; they've never walked over it. I grabbed my phone and purse...it's going to take me at least an hour to get to the bridge and I literally just left that area.
I moved my toiletries into the washroom and hung some clothes in the closet. I'm meeting Angela and Gerry by the Brooklyn Bridge; they've never walked over it. I grabbed my phone and purse...it's going to take me at least an hour to get to the bridge and I literally just left that area.
Sunday, 20 December 2015
The Writer XVII
Four hours after sitting down and three Americano's later it almost felt good to step back into Manhattan's humidity...almost. I hugged my friends and turned right when they made a left. I'm moving to the Upper West Side tomorrow morning so I decided to head back to my room to pack and organize my things before I took the nap I had been planning since I first woke up this morning. I prefer midtown or the UWS because it's vibrant and safe for a single female at all hours of the day. I have a date tomorrow night with a bio-physicist and I can't help but think of Sheldon and Penny and I feel this may be a good representation of the two of them on a date. He seems nice enough but his arrogance is felt over text and is not lost on me, I try to give a little room for it since he is highly educated and perhaps is just socially stupid. I'm not intimidated at all, we all bring something new to the table and I am a sucker for a beautiful mind.
I finished collecting my things and had it all arranged nicely in my suitcase ready to move tomorrow. I flopped down on my bed and slowly dozed off while trying to remember the details of my dinner date this evening.
Friday, 18 December 2015
The Writer XVI
I pulled up a chair and squeezed between Angela and a hipster who looked to be trying a touch too hard. I threw him a fake smile in response to his then dove into the conversation already underway. I was meant to do this, to be a part of a creative writing group and it's natural and fluid for me. I opened my mac and started my blog, it warmed up my writing skills and I loved telling my story and reliving it from the outside looking in. I remember that girl and I am proud of her, I'm just glad she is a fond memory that I can recall and no longer a representation of the woman I am today. I smiled at the screen and published my work for another day.
I could feel Angela leaning over my shoulder and reading my blog and just her presence makes me happy. She hugged me and took my coffee order; it was going to be a long day...a long fabulous day in SOHO writing for a magazine. Carl texted me from the train and I made a mental note to surprise him in Philly soon. Now...what exactly do I savour most in my life?
I could feel Angela leaning over my shoulder and reading my blog and just her presence makes me happy. She hugged me and took my coffee order; it was going to be a long day...a long fabulous day in SOHO writing for a magazine. Carl texted me from the train and I made a mental note to surprise him in Philly soon. Now...what exactly do I savour most in my life?
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
The Writer XV
Standing in front of Penn Station had become our familiar good bye and today was a little more difficult. We stood in the shade and prolonged his stay while we smoked and become blinded by the sun. Carl is the first real friend I have made here and he has become a favourite friend regardless of which city I am in. He picked up his things and all I could do was smile and hug him.
I watched him walk down the stairs and out of sight before I turned downtown and made my way into SOHO to meet the crew. The world was moving by me quickly but I just couldn't help but watch it in slow motion. I am grateful I can be here and experience the life here without becoming desensitized...I hope I never become blind to the lights and beauty of the city and that the magic never gets old. I found the Starbucks and my group at a table...let the writing begin...
I watched him walk down the stairs and out of sight before I turned downtown and made my way into SOHO to meet the crew. The world was moving by me quickly but I just couldn't help but watch it in slow motion. I am grateful I can be here and experience the life here without becoming desensitized...I hope I never become blind to the lights and beauty of the city and that the magic never gets old. I found the Starbucks and my group at a table...let the writing begin...
Monday, 14 December 2015
The Writer XIV
Tapas, cocktails and the Lower East Side...life is good. We spent some of the evening people watching, some if it reminiscing and the rest catching up. I know this is our last visit for a while because he has classes and his work is always busiest in the warmer months; my heart sinks at the thought of not seeing my friend again for months. He is only here on a work/student visa and I am already dreading his return to England. I always hope he falls in love and makes this side of the pond his home. He knows I would go and visit him but it wouldn't be every month and I can see the stress in his face whenever we discuss if he will go home or stay. He's not the same person he was when he got here and I don't think he has any interest in reliving his past. He's an exceptional man and I just have to believe that the right woman will come along and steal his heart.
He paid for dinner and we locked arms as soon as we hit the sidewalk. I'm doing my best to drink in as much of him as possible without getting distracted by the loudness of the streets. We cut across the street and peeked into some pubs and bars but we were both tired and not interested in staying out so we weaved through streets making our way back to the hotel while smoking cigarettes. I already miss him...
He paid for dinner and we locked arms as soon as we hit the sidewalk. I'm doing my best to drink in as much of him as possible without getting distracted by the loudness of the streets. We cut across the street and peeked into some pubs and bars but we were both tired and not interested in staying out so we weaved through streets making our way back to the hotel while smoking cigarettes. I already miss him...
Saturday, 12 December 2015
The Writer XIII
I was exhausted by the end of the afternoon and flopped down on my bed. I have a writing session tomorrow at 3pm in Soho and until then I am free. I rolled over and checked my phone, not a word from the firefighter, thank goodness, and I turned it to silent so I could nap for a while.
It felt like I just closed my eyes when I heard someone banging on my door and I have no concept of time. I could barely walk in a straight line or keep my eyes open, the heat drains me quickly here. I looked through the peep hole and lit up, I almost forgot Carl was my dinner date this evening. I tore the door open, I was so excited to see him. He picked me up to hug me, I've missed him. I put his luggage on his bed and opened the wine while he made reservations for dinner in the Lower East Side. Carl has become a great friend to me and I love spending my NY time with him as much as possible. He only has one night this visit so we're going to make it count.
It felt like I just closed my eyes when I heard someone banging on my door and I have no concept of time. I could barely walk in a straight line or keep my eyes open, the heat drains me quickly here. I looked through the peep hole and lit up, I almost forgot Carl was my dinner date this evening. I tore the door open, I was so excited to see him. He picked me up to hug me, I've missed him. I put his luggage on his bed and opened the wine while he made reservations for dinner in the Lower East Side. Carl has become a great friend to me and I love spending my NY time with him as much as possible. He only has one night this visit so we're going to make it count.
Friday, 11 December 2015
The Writer XII
I spotted Gerry and Angela right away and it almost made me cry when she hugged me. Angela has been this light that shines over me and nurtures my passions and she does it effortlessly without any judgement or question. She makes me laugh and is an old soul, she radiates what I hope to one day.
We grabbed some salads and smoothies and sat by the water. These two are a force, a positive one, and I have to believe that the universe just sets up opportunities and it's up to us to not only see them but embrace them.
We set up times and places to write, themes and picture opportunities. We booked dinners, tours and interviews and as we sat by the river looking over at New Jersey I realized I was living my exact life...everything faded to silence and just for a moment I stayed in that place. I was quickly brought back by Angela's laughter; we grabbed our things and walked to the pier to look at Lady Liberty and the Freedom Tower...this is my kinda site seeing...from a distance without line ups...
We grabbed some salads and smoothies and sat by the water. These two are a force, a positive one, and I have to believe that the universe just sets up opportunities and it's up to us to not only see them but embrace them.
We set up times and places to write, themes and picture opportunities. We booked dinners, tours and interviews and as we sat by the river looking over at New Jersey I realized I was living my exact life...everything faded to silence and just for a moment I stayed in that place. I was quickly brought back by Angela's laughter; we grabbed our things and walked to the pier to look at Lady Liberty and the Freedom Tower...this is my kinda site seeing...from a distance without line ups...
Thursday, 10 December 2015
The Writer XI
It was far too hot outside to sit for long and he was pretty hungover from the night before so we cut it a bit short; I hated the feeling of everything sticking to me. We threw our garbage out and walked back to his car that was a few blocks away.
He jumped in first and turned the air conditioning on so I wouldn't melt into his leather seats but even the cool air could barely take away the sun beating in through the windows. We pulling into heavy lunch hour traffic in Harold Square and for a brief minute I thought I had heat stroke when he undid his pants and proceeded to masturbate not only in front of me but in front of all of the people walking by the car in every direction. I was frozen in disbelief, like a bad joke or lucid dream. I started to panic and became almost animated when I attempted to talk him back into his pants. He looked over at me, "no one even looks through the windows". I burst out laughing because that is hardly the point and I don't have a clue on how to handle this and I can't jump out because my lap top is in the back seat which means leaning over him to get it...and I am not going to lean over him. We hit free flow traffic and I was completely beside myself with anger, and maybe one day I would look back and laugh but that was not today. We pulled up to my stop and I jumped out and opened the back door to get my computer...wtf just happened? I didn't even thank him for lunch or the ride, I just turned towards the water on 12th and kept walking...
He jumped in first and turned the air conditioning on so I wouldn't melt into his leather seats but even the cool air could barely take away the sun beating in through the windows. We pulling into heavy lunch hour traffic in Harold Square and for a brief minute I thought I had heat stroke when he undid his pants and proceeded to masturbate not only in front of me but in front of all of the people walking by the car in every direction. I was frozen in disbelief, like a bad joke or lucid dream. I started to panic and became almost animated when I attempted to talk him back into his pants. He looked over at me, "no one even looks through the windows". I burst out laughing because that is hardly the point and I don't have a clue on how to handle this and I can't jump out because my lap top is in the back seat which means leaning over him to get it...and I am not going to lean over him. We hit free flow traffic and I was completely beside myself with anger, and maybe one day I would look back and laugh but that was not today. We pulled up to my stop and I jumped out and opened the back door to get my computer...wtf just happened? I didn't even thank him for lunch or the ride, I just turned towards the water on 12th and kept walking...
Monday, 7 December 2015
The Writer X
I only caught a few hours of sleep I had a lunch date in Harold Square in just over an hour and I wanted to wash the New York film off before I stepped right back into it. I had been chatting with my date for a few days and he is the stereo typical Irish/Brooklyn firefighter and the character alone makes me want to spend some time with him. I decided that I wanted a quick lunch date before I gave him any evenings from my trip and I was excited he offered to pick me up so I didn't have to walk in the humidity. I threw on a skirt and tank top, grabbed my lap top and headed for the lobby. He offered to bring me to the mag crew after lunch so I was prepared to be gone for the day.
He looked nothing like his pictures, he was much better in person and that almost never happens. He has the Brooklyn accent tied in with an Irish one. He's handsome but rough around the edges and it makes me smile. We grabbed some fruit in a market and made our way to the park to sit and chat...I can listen to his accent all day...
He looked nothing like his pictures, he was much better in person and that almost never happens. He has the Brooklyn accent tied in with an Irish one. He's handsome but rough around the edges and it makes me smile. We grabbed some fruit in a market and made our way to the park to sit and chat...I can listen to his accent all day...
Saturday, 5 December 2015
The Writer VIIII
Walking down Canal Street at 4am may not have been the best idea but it didn't feel too bad, other than looking creepy and witnessing poverty at its saddest. It reminds me of the time Dan and I were in Chicago and I can clearly remember the day I started caring about the homeless population on a large scale and not just in my city. We were walking under a bridge and there were a few people sleeping under a blanket and I could see a little set of feet peeking out. My heart immediately clenched and my eyes filled with tears, not just for the child but the entire family that was fighting to stay together at all costs and I wonder how they fell through the system. Canal Street was similar but different, to this day, years later, I still look for little feet...I never want to be desensitized and I always want to buy them dinner.
The coolness of my room was shocking and wonderful. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and fell asleep to traffic...
The coolness of my room was shocking and wonderful. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and fell asleep to traffic...
Friday, 4 December 2015
The Writer VIII
I woke an hour later and jumped into the shower, I still felt my clothes cling to me from the humidity. The view was amazing, to the left was the Williamsburg Bridge and to the right was the Freedom Tower and they would be nicely lit up in a couple of hours. I threw on some light clothes and sandals and knew it would be a mistake because flip flops always kill my feet after a mile or two and I tend to walk ten to fifteen a day here. I had a message that dinner was cancelled so I took the subway to Grand Central and walked over to Times Square for a drink and salad...I was guilty of still loving the tourist traps. Shawn was meeting me at Columbus Circle in a few hours and I was pretty excited to meet him, he has been a photographer for National Geographic for over a decade and I imagine he has some incredible stories. I found a seat at my favourite pub and my Wifi was already locked on...it makes me smile...
Thursday, 3 December 2015
The Writer VII
The flight was uneventful which was perfect, I grabbed my luggage and made my way to the bus. It was still humid and hot at 7pm and the bus ride into Grand Central was starting to make me nauseous. I found myself sitting beside a Canadian author who was in town for a convention and slowly learned that most were either publishers, authors or agents and I can hardly believe my luck. The universe must set up opportunities and see if you take the bait. It wasn't long ago that I was sitting beside Angela on a flight and she has a magazine and encouraged me to write and now I write some articles for her...perhaps this is another one of those doors opening. A few of us in a circle of seats were talking about our work and slowly my story came out and the reactions were exactly what I had hoped for...they wanted to read and I wanted them to read. By the time I reached the station we had all exchanged numbers and email addresses, it doesn't matter if anything comes out of it because right now the ride is amazing.
I grabbed the first cab I seen as soon as I stepped off the bus and went straight down Lexington to Canal St. I had never stayed this far down the island but I wanted to be close enough to everyone else to see them regularly but far enough away that I won't run into them unless it's intentional.
I crawled into my cold bed and napped off the car and heat sickness I had been feeling for the last hour. I have a few hours until dinner then I was meeting a friend in Columbus Circle. I set my alarm and drift off to the sounds of the city...
I grabbed the first cab I seen as soon as I stepped off the bus and went straight down Lexington to Canal St. I had never stayed this far down the island but I wanted to be close enough to everyone else to see them regularly but far enough away that I won't run into them unless it's intentional.
I crawled into my cold bed and napped off the car and heat sickness I had been feeling for the last hour. I have a few hours until dinner then I was meeting a friend in Columbus Circle. I set my alarm and drift off to the sounds of the city...
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
The Writer VI
I can never seem to get much sleep before my flights, especially the early mooring ones. I was packed and more excited this time around which I contributed to the magazine. I stood in her doorway and smiled at the way she surrounded herself with a handful of stuffed animals and I wondered if it made her feel safe or if she just liked the company. I walked over to kiss her little fingers and brush back the curls in her face; she is my wild beauty. I can hardly wait until she is able to come along with me so I can show her the world through my eyes. It's not always about leaving to date, mostly it's about having something just for myself. Over the past several months I have settled the fears within me and no longer feel stifled by stability, Dan has killed that anxiety by always keeping the door open.
I seen Karen's headlights flash in the driveway and it was time to go again. I picked up my bag and locked the door behind me, tonight I would be dining with the crew and tomorrow night I would be touring the lower east side with Carl...I have a New York life. Three hours until wheels up...
I seen Karen's headlights flash in the driveway and it was time to go again. I picked up my bag and locked the door behind me, tonight I would be dining with the crew and tomorrow night I would be touring the lower east side with Carl...I have a New York life. Three hours until wheels up...
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