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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

The Writer XXIII

I found him sitting at the bar drinking a glass of red wine with ice so I climbed on the bar stool next to him and ordered a Heineken.  He's checking his fantasy baseball team and hasn't noticed me yet.  I leaned over and took his phone out of his hand to capture his attention and laughed just before he snapped.  He hugged me then handed me a menu...dear god i don't think I can eat.  I pretended to look through it but lost interest in food when we started to discuss our fantasy sports teams.  He's hilarious and I find his feisty attitude entertaining which only makes me want to bring it out even more.  We ordered another round of drinks and I am completely engaged in the date and make a mental note to keep in touch with him.  Clarence is a little older than the age range I typically date but it doesn't bother me in the least.  We laughed about our dating experiences and discussed our favourite football teams and vacation spots.

He paid the bill and I walked him to his car so he could head back to Jersey.  I don't think Clarence is someone that I would be intimate with but he is definitely someone I want to be my friend and I hope I see him when I come back and often.

I walked across the street to my hotel and turned left to head down to Columbus Circle.  I just wanted to walk around before I head out tomorrow morning.  It seems surreal that I was here writing with a mag in Soho...life is so funny once you learn how to work it...

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