I laced up and grabbed my iPod before stepping out onto my front step. At this point I had abandoned any training schedule and decided to run once or twice a day hoping that would be enough to make the race comfortable. I was starting to feel scared and anxious the closer the day came and with each day I sat out of training the easier it became to not train at all. Now with twelve weeks left I decided to actually try and at the very least rid myself of the stress of procrastinating too long. Years ago I trained with a gentleman from my office who competed in ultra marathons and just so happened to live in my neighbourhood. I decided that I would text him after my run and hopefully he would let me be in his running crew to help increase my speed. I have always been guilty of this type of behaviour...signing up for something extreme, not training properly and doing it anyway...reminds me of school and telling myself each year that I will study more and not cram for exams...and then sit there before each exam cramming as much information into my brain as possible in a ten hour study period and hoping that when it falls out of my brain it will be on my exam papers.
I stretched as I walked down my street still thinking about Mike and writing emails in my head like a constant thought. I put my ear buds in and turned up my music, the next twelve kilometres are going to feel like a painful eternity if I don't have energized legs today...I crossed the street into the park and slowly took off down the trails...
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