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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Monday, 1 August 2016

Writer on the Run X

I was sitting at our new vets office with Django; tears streaming down my face as I tried to coax her out from underneath the bench I was sitting on. She couldn't even walk around the block this morning and I'm concerned she hurt her back or legs...although I'm not sure how. She has always been a very timid pup that gets scared at loud noises or new people, especially those that want to examine her.

I was finally able to lay on the floor where she crawled over to me to lick the tears off of my cheeks. She has always taken care of me even when it was her that needed the snuggles...it was me getting them. Years ago she became very sick, to the point where she couldn't even open her mouth to eat; when the vet couldn't figure it out...Dan did. Turned out Django had a rare condition where her immune system attacks the muscles in her face and the next several months would be rehabbing her back to health. I remember coming home after work and finding her laying motionless in the basement, too weak to move from the medication and still able to greet me with kisses and a tired wagging tale. We got through it and we'll get through this too...it's just feels so much more difficult this time.

I had to lift her back into my car and prayed that the few weeks of medications I placed on the passenger seat would work for her. I reached my hand into the back seat to pet her head and offer her some comfort in her pain...

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