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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

The Longest Summer II

I had our bag packed for the weekend and was just getting my daughter's things ready when my phone rang. It was my cousins number and I imagine this has everything to do with my father. It's an emotional rollercoaster every time I see the number light up across my screen. I slumped into my chair, closed my eyes and faked the best "hello" I could. I love hearing from my cousin and he's an amazing, outstanding man...but he is also the one with all of the contact with my father and all of the information. I wish I had a better attitude about this whole situation.

I must have sat in the rocking chair for twenty minutes listening to the long list of ailments my father suffers from although loneliness is likely top of the cue. I placed my feet on top of my luggage and attempted to stay engaged in the conversation. It didn't startle me that dad was back in the hospital or that his health had deteriorated further, what I found shocking is that his body hasn't just thrown in the towel. I took the number for his hospital room and said good bye. I'll call him, but I'm not going back...not for a few weeks anyway.

I grabbed my computer and checked Dan and I in for our flights...sunny California awaits...

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