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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Thursday, 21 December 2017

The Longest Summer XXIX

I met my brother at my mother's place and loaded his things into the back of the car. We're going to head south and drive until boredom or exhaustion sinks in. I tossed Trevor the keys and climbed into the passenger seat, I only have a few hours until we hit the border and I lose my data and have to rely on wifi. I could see that Joseph had been leaving me messages but waited to answer him, and I would wait a little longer while my brother and I caught up. My two brother's are incredible men, both have supported me in every way at one time or another and have continually been there for me when I need to visit my father...they make the trip without having a reason of their own to go.

Trevor and I have travelled together for years and toured at least a dozen countries together, and over the years he and Dan have continued the tradition but now it's been tweaked since we had our beautiful daughter. Together they did the Trans-Siberian from Beijing to Moscow, toured Vietnam and Cambodia, went to Oktoberfest in Germany and drove around Iceland while I have been enjoying living a part time single life in NYC. I haven't found anyone yet that I would want to see more than once or twice and mostly just make friends and use my time there to live a different life...not better...just different.

I looked over to see Trevor looking out the window and singing along to the radio...I wonder what Joseph is doing....

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