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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Thursday, 31 January 2019

A Love, A Loss, And Peace XXVIII

I unlocked his door and walked to where he used to sit everyday and watch his favourite old movies. I looked around at what he had in the end and decided to donate everything including all of the food I just purchased a couple of days ago. I grabbed the two large packing boxes I filled on my last visit, they contained every last photograph he had and I wanted to go through them with Patty and Erin. We did manage to find a few little  mementos that we remembered from our childhood, like his pocket watch and jack knife. We loaded up the trucks and they took all of his life away to the Salvation Army...it's only possessions, we hold his memories and legacy in our hands and hearts.

I got the call that my father was being taken to the crematorium and would be back and ready for burial in a few weeks, I was planning on buying him in September when the land was thawed and Patty and I could do it together. In the end my father wanted very little; to die in his home and to be buried at his father's feet. I let him leave the hospital and the same night he died in his bed now I just had to wait a few months to finish up and then he could finally rest in peace. No matter what, I have come this far and I won't let him down. Come hell or high water, whether by day or night...my father's final resting place will be with his parents.

I tossed the keys on the counter, took one last look around then closed the door behind me...

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