About Me

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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Friday, 7 May 2021

Trust or Bust

As my world continues to open up and people flood in, sometimes I cant keep track of what they bring with them. I'm struggling to trust some people in my life, I watch them waver in their boundaries, push a narrative and attempt to make me second guess myself. I don't like people who thrive in the passive aggressive, gritting their teeth while trying to smile...my stomach hurts. I can't sleep much, terrified that what happened before will happen again...my work, my words, are everything and who I tie those to has to be able to represent it...to the fucking letter! 

Someone in Hollywood read my memoir and cast their very wide net to see if there was interest...I was beyond shocked when I heard the news...it was just the other week. I've been imagining this since the day I started my book...whatever happens this is further then I ever thought possible...so now I dream bigger. People are reaching out like I have never experienced, I had a podcast in Scotland book me to help introduce and explain my journey through open marriage as well as orders for book clubs. I like to joke with Dan that when the movie comes out people will be shocked it was a book first. I'll never stop envisioning the life we want as we move closer and closer to it...

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