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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

The Space Between II

I rushed around most of the day trying to organize and pack Dan and my things for California along with making sure my little was entertained and having her hundredth 'but why?' answered.  Leann and her fiancĂ© arrive this afternoon and Karen will be by this evening as she is staying with my daughter for the weekend.  Dan and I don't have many vacations alone anymore and come to think of it our last one may have been for my birthday last year.  We both love to travel so much but he prefers to trek through countries with his back pack while I like to stay in Manhattan and wonder around and slowly become a New Yorker.  We never stopped travelling just because we could no longer do it together, we just adjusted the way we travel and it works.

I was standing in our bathroom collecting every hair product I could find and it dawns on me that one day Dan and I could be standing at the end of our driveway with a 'SOLD' sign on the lawn...my daughter and I headed to New York and he headed with his band to tour the country.  We agreed one evening that it is better to full fill our dreams apart then to live together and never take a shot.  It amazes me how perfect our marriage really is, we sincerely want each other to live out our dreams and will help one another do just that.  We don't want to be those people that decide to not pursue the things we want because it would create waves in the comfort of our lives.  

She came around the corner in her swimsuit asking for a bath so I turned it on, added some bubbles and colour to the water.  I stood there while she threw in every bath toy she had and attempted a few that I had already said no to.  She is sassy and fearless...I fucking love her!

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