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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

The Space Between VI

We spent a lot of the day touring around Los Angeles, venturing up into the hills and a little shopping so Dan could swim when we got back to the beach.  I'm not a huge fan of LA but I can see why people do enjoy living there...given the choice it would be NYC though.  The city is vast and spread out which makes it difficult to get around as the public transportation system is less than accommodating for the millions of residents and visitors.

We got back to the condo to dump our shopping bags and found a bike rental company so we could tour the boardwalk all the way to the Santa Monica Pier...the ferris wheel is seen for miles after the sun goes to sleep.  Riding a bike on the path is extremely stressful and frustrating when you are trying to be mindful of all of the other bikers, skateboarders, walkers and those with the hover boards.  It reminds me of the time Dan and I rode the tandem bike over the Golden Gate Bridge and he was ready to abandon it a few minutes in.

We slowly made our way back to spend a little time in the water before it's time to get ready for dinner...it's nice having our friends here but if this is the only time we get to be alone then I would prefer to just have this time with Dan...

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