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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Monday, 7 March 2016

A Writer in the Village II

I took the bus to Journal Square then hopped back on the Path to 14th street.  From there I would just walk east and find a Starbucks to grab a coffee and enjoy the free wifi while I tried not to sweat through my clothes.  I felt light headed from the heat and anxiety so I grabbed a yogurt hoping it would spike my blood sugar and set me straight.

I found a seat at the window and watched the city walk by me in Union Square and I wondered if one day I would actually be a resident...not just for a day or a week or for vacation but an actual New Yorker.  I smiled at the thought and at the silly little girl who first dreamed it up; I am so happy she is back and I'm letting her loose in our life.  I day dream about taking my daughter to the markets throughout the week and music lessons with Dan; playing in the concrete parks and riding her bike through the village with me.  I sat for a little while longer hoping the humidity some how vanished then threw my cup in the garbage, put on my sunglasses and walked the last few blocks to her apartment.

I stood at the gate of the oversized black door and rang one of the six buzzers while I felt my heart trying to escape my chest...she needs to believe in me as a writer as much as I want to be a writer...it happens every single day...I want today to be my day...

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