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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

His New World

The flight was fast and easy once we actually left the ground, and then begins the battle of waiting for my luggage.  I get anxious and antsy at times when I have no other option but to wait, I hate it but it's just a character flaw I haven't been able to adjust.  I could see my luggage and attempted to grab it without pushing too many people over, it becomes an unnecessary crowd.  I sent him a text to pick me up at the doors and held back my tears as I walked out to meet everyone.  

I found a beautiful apartment on Airbnb for the four of us.  I haven't been to Montreal since Leann and I drove across the country and then went to NYC for a few days.  I am so proud of him for leaving everything he has ever known to come to a city that is mainly french speaking and no longer just a days drive away.  He loves football and now he has the opportunity to play at the highest level to date.  He placed my luggage in the trunk and I hugged him until cars started to honk their horns then I crawled into the back seat next to my daughter and snuggled up to her.  Karen was riding shot gun and I was never so happy to see her face; she is an honorary grandmother to both of my children and come hell or high water she is there for them for every event, every holiday and every day she is free.  

We pulled out into traffic and I felt sick sitting in the back seat while he whipped through traffic at a fast pace and I was legitimately terrified for my son having to drive here after leaving small town Saskatchewan. 

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