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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Monday, 23 May 2016

Coaches and Classes X

I met Mike outside before the final act because I wouldn't get another chance to say good bye once the show was over and people started to flood the hallways and he started to wrap up the show.  I really have nothing much left to say to him and I know him, I know he is wallowing in his misery right now and he has no idea how much he loves it and is comforted by it because as soon as he sees a way out he slides back and chooses to stay unhappy.  I can hear his phone beeping and it is literally non stop, these two are what i like to refer to as madly in love...there is no logic only anxiety and unhealthy emotions neither has taken the time to understand or control.  I watched him stare off down the street that looked far too quiet to be in the heart of Manhattan.  He opened the door to let me back in but I didn't want to go back so I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek...I already know the ending and I am certain he does too and as much as he tries to change it he can't because history will always repeat itself if nothing is done to intervene.

I grabbed my phone out of purse and read a message from Chris...I'm so excited to see him and lucky for me he is only a couple of blocks away.

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