I walked down the three flights of stairs and turned right when I stepped out onto the sidewalk. I decided to stay close to save on travel time but wanted to grab something to eat. I walked a couple of blocks then headed west on 14th Street, it was paved with restaurants and shopping. I had all of my notes with me but left my computer behind to avoid carrying it any more than I had too. I found a little vietnamese restaurant tucked in-between two shops and found a spot right under the air conditioner. I ordered a vermicelli bowl with grilled chicken and proceeded to make the area my own personal work station. The place was pretty empty for dinner hour so I didn't mind taking up the space.
I didn't even notice the young lady deliver my food, I was caught up in my notes and trying to write down as many points and ideas as I could come up with in my head. I had just over an hour until I had to head back for class. I felt a little intimidated, this class has been together for years and they have all written books...what was she thinking letting me into this? I poured the fish sauce over my dinner with some hot sauce and tried to forget that I was out of my element...but there is no change if you never leave your comfort and comfort had become boring for Dan and I. We wanted more than just existing together...we wanted the opportunity to take a shot at our dreams even if that meant living apart.
I gathered my things and paid the bill...I wondered how the class would receive my story but more importantly I was concerned if they would enjoy my style of writing...she must see something in me that made her think I was a good fit...right?
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