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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Monday, 20 June 2016

Finding My Limits III

I sat on the edge of the bed petting Cleopatra and holding my phone in my hand.  If I never heard from him again I would have no idea what happened nor would I have the comfort of closure.  I don't think he would hurt himself but then again I have no idea how much alcohol one needs to follow through with their darknesses wishes. I know he wants to live and have the picturesque family but just can't seem to get his shit together to have it or even encourage it into his life.  The emails stopped over an hour ago and I have sent one every few minutes hoping for any contact.  I have to drive Cleo to the kennel in a few hours and then make my way to the airport...could I really leave not knowing anything more?  I knew I would get on the plane if it was at the gate and ready to go. I can't play his game because I get pulled in far beyond my abilities...if I could just get him to go to a therapist then at least he would be on the right path...but how?  How do I get him to agree to going to a therapist?  I laid down beside Cleo and tried to relax; hoping for my phone to buzz and wishing I didn't care so much.

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