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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Graduation II

I ran out and picked up all of his favourite foods and made sure his room was ready for her, he would have to take the couch because there is no way they share a room and especially not a bed.  My daughter was running around and I was in holt pursuit trying to collect everything she was dropping, some days are so exhausting.  She finally stopped at the front door and looked out the side window in anticipation for her brother.  I could see around her that he was getting his bag out of the trunk and he always makes my heart full.  It's not often I get to have my whole family together so when I do, I want it to be perfect.

I opened the door to greet them and she slowly moved behind my legs to peek around.  She loves seeing him but it takes a minute or two to get over the initial shyness.  I turned around and picked her up out of fear I would trip over her.  I had dinner plans for us this evening and I know they will want to do some things on their own but for tonight it's family dinner and I just hope it's not the only one.  It only took a couple of minutes before the shyness wore off and she was showing them all of her toys while I was preparing snacks...I feel too young to have a son coming home for visits from college and for a brief moment I felt the old anxiety in my chest...

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