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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Graduation IV

The kids didn't get home until late last night so I was up and getting ready to spend the morning with them.  We planned to do some shopping for some last minute graduation pieces like shoes and ties.  I walked into my daughters room to find her laying on the floor refusing to put on the clothes I picked out for her and these days I find it easier to let her pick out her own clothes...it's not a hill I care to die on and it gives her a sense of control in her life.  I walked down the hall and knocked on doors and picking up toys so we can get this show up and going.  My son was already in the kitchen by the time I made my way back downstairs and slowly the entire family makes their way to the front closet to put on their shoes.  It seems funny being in two different places in my one life...one where I have a son that is leaving for college and the other where I am the mother of a toddler and together I find I can give the best of me to each of my children because their needs are so different.  In just over a week high school will become a memory for him and it's just another way that time insists on haunting me.  

I buckled my daughter into her car seat then climbed into the passenger side, we have three hours to shop, eat and say good bye...again.  There is nothing left to pout about, it's life and I have to believe that my best life formed through my choices.  Dan reached across and held my hand...maybe I am a normal mother and it will always hurt to say good bye and watch them grow...

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