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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Graduation VIIII

I woke to my mother banging on the door and it startled me at first when I woke and had forgotten where I was...I really need to show her where the spare key is.  I stumbled across the room and opened the door to the hallway, it's barely 7am.  I opened the door and had to smile, she looks beautiful and happy.  This is the first graduation she will attend.  I never graduated from high school I just left when I had all my mandatory classes and refused to burn a year on electives.  It occurred to me that I didn't even attend my university convocation and my heart sinks wishing I wouldn't have robbed her of that experience.  I grabbed the coffee and muffins out of her hands so she could come in and visit before we leave...in four hours.  My daughter is still sleeping so I sat down beside my mother, put my feet on the coffee table and pulled the blanket over me.  I don't get a lot of alone time with her anymore and I miss her so much.  I've asked her to come and live with me but she is having way too much fun to change her life right now.  My mom has been the one grandparent both my children can count on and is completely reliable to them at any time that it is needed.  It hurts sometimes to place all the responsibility of grand-parenting on her but she accepts it perfectly and loves to be a pillar in their lives.  My kids barely know their other grand parents and I wonder what that will mean later in life, my son is almost 18 years old so he has a good, strong relationship but I worry about my daughter in this respect.

I leaned my head on her shoulder and just listened to her talk about her days...I love this woman, never dealt a fair hand a day in her life and still never points a finger and always finds a way to love life and move forward.

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