I woke to that same fucking dog on the back step barking away at something...or nothing. We had a late night of Irish pubs in Queens while we shared stories of our children and other corners of our lives. He has three children, all are teenagers, and has been divorced for over seven years. He had two serious relationships after his divorce, both ended badly. One struggled with alcohol and the other treated his children with contempt for existing. He figured out after those two women along with his ex-wife that he would rather be single over having someone around just for company. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard something hit the floor and break, Joseph must be up. I threw my hair in a bun and brushed my teeth while I tried to stare the dog down and hopefully he would go some place else to howl...it didn't work.
I found Joseph under his kitchen table with a dustpan and sweeper, "Waddya break?" I must have startled him because he cracked his head on the table when he heard my voice, "A wine glass fell off the shelf smartass." I walked over and grabbed a coffee pod and a piece of bacon, "breakfast is already on the table, didn't you sleep?" By now he was standing at the island just a few feet from me tying up a bag with the broken glass inside. "I tossed and turned most of the night." He sounded distracted and the more I studied him the more I could see it, something is definitely weighing on him. I could feel my eyes roll and voice sigh at the thought of another man who wants to be my NY lover but just can't get over my marriage or lifestyle...it's not like I don't give this information up front, GRRRR! I sat down and started to fill my plate, if he's going to give me this speech I want to make sure I've eaten so I have all of my energy to rebook my hotel and move into the city. Beside I'm used to this, everyone likes the sound of my life and being the NY part of it but when it's all there it's a different pill to swallow for some reason. Oh well...pass the bacon...
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