I spent the next few weeks trying to put as many miles on my shoes as possible in the hopes that somehow I would be ready for another 42km around NY. I started to run country roads because they were filled with hill and turns, it was nothing like running on a treadmill. I love the outdoors and took the dogs along for the run when Karen could tag along as well. I found out the other person I was running with stopped training months ago and I have to admit I was a little relieved that she would not have to wait for me if her running skills were superior. I heard a stat once that 99% of people who show up to run a marathon actually finish, I'm not worried because I crossed the finish last year and know I won't stop until I repeat it this year.
My flight had been booked for months and Joseph was quickly finding things for us to do over that week. He's happy to take me to my bus in midtown at 4am on race day if I want to stay out in Queens...and I just might. I threw my sneakers in the back of the car and open the latch for the dogs...we got 7 miles of hills today and a dead iPod...
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