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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

New Friends XVI

"Listen, I didn't tell you my marriage fall out because I need or want you to feel sorry for me. I never asked her any questions, I couldn't, I was so angry I was scared to know the answers. Maybe I wasn't the best husband, maybe she hated me, maybe she used me to create the life she wanted, I don't know and everyday I try not to care. I am telling you my story because I want you to know that I have no intentions of getting back into anything serious again, at least serious enough to move in or get married. I know you have dated men in the past that have wavered in their words, my words don't waver". Wow, that was quite the distance to go just to show me he was serious in his profile that he doesn't want anything serious. But I can see why, many of the men I spoke to or went out with often changed what they wanted based on who they were talking to and what was available. I found it irritating and manipulative and at times made me think that I would just rather have random sex partners...but that scared me so it left me feeling a little handcuffed to old ideas and new realities.

"Natalie, you're married with children and not looking to change your family home. I'm telling you that one week a month suits me just fine and I have no interest in ever making that more time nor do I ever want you to change your circumstances. Your life works for what I am able to give and what I want, I guess I just wanted to show you my sincerity and what it is based on so you know it's not just words I speak but words I mean". I sat back and tapped my wine glass while staring outside the kitchen window. "I would like it if we could date that week you're in town. I love going to the theatre,  out to eat, concerts, travel and the New York I rarely get to see with someone I enjoy and hate doing alone". I looked across the island at him and smiled, "okay, let's give it a shot"...

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