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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Monday, 12 August 2019

Running...But Not Away I

My training is in overdrive and I'm bouncing between the gym and my house a few times a day. I really want to run fast and steady this time and cross somewhere in the four hour area. The last time I ran I met an amazing woman while crossing the 59th street bridge and I made the decision to walk with her rather than run on my own. She found out a couple of days before the race that she was pregnant and didn't feel that she would finish, she contemplated just walking off the course and heading back to her hotel. Her parents and friends were either running the marathon or cheering her along from the streets but didn't know her news...I was the only one, except for her husband, who knew she was pregnant. With each mile we walked together she became confident that she could finish and with each mile I wanted to support her, it became more important to me that we both finish rather than just beat my time from the year before.

This year is for me though, this year is my game changer and if I can do it in the time I want then I agreed to run next year for the 50th anniversary. I can feel my body getting stronger everyday, I can feel myself elevate and become that woman again. I don't remember ever feeling better, I feel a balance like nothing before and with each session at the gym I feed my soul and become a healthier version of who I once was.

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