I've started reading the Chakra Bible as a way to keep the negative energy out and really push through the positive. I feel like I am so sensitive to other people's energy that I tend to take it on and then drown in it like quicksand I can't escape from. If I could learn to not take on other people's emotions and energies then I think I can fully embrace my life and move through it without other's tripping me up. I think there is something to be said for those who channel their energies and know how to block what they don't want. A negative comment, an opinion, a mean word can still destroy me and leave me living in my head for days, losing sleep and feeling sick...that needs to change and I am willing to try anything to get there. Overall I do many positive things in my life from running to volunteering to traveling but still, I know other people can toss a stone into my tires and throw me off track. I can't stop people from doing this so I am trying to take a proactive route by learning to block it, to ignore it and to move on without letting it touch me. I tend to give people too much power over me and my emotions, not intentionally, it just happens and so it's up to me, and only me, to take it back.
If happiness is truly a choice then I have made mine...
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