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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Mastering the Mundane XV

I've been feeling more empowered these days and I'm sure it's because I've been telling people off in my head for the past couple of days.  I'm feeling torn because I want to go to Atlantic City so I can have more time with Mike but I know it will take a lot to convince Karen…and I know it will make her uncomfortable but at this point I've chosen this path so I'm gonna run with it.  Mike has asked me everyday to come to AC for one night and I'm feeling motivated to go however with the pageant in town there is a lack of hotel rooms available.  I'm trying to push it out of my head but it's futile because I've been trying to find a way to make it work…for me.  First things first, "hey Mike I checked and I cannot find a hotel room for under five hundred dollars in AC so I don't think I can come".  At least we can still have dinner in NY and spend a couple of hours together and now I don't have to ask Karen.  "Nat, I'll just stay with another crew guy and you and your friend can have my suite".

I was standing in my kitchen and could barely form a thought let alone make a coffee.  Okay, I have to think about this..which only means that I need to find the right words to convince Karen.  I almost didn't hear Dan enter the kitchen and he knew he startled me.  "What's going on, everything okay?"  I have to wonder how many of these conversations we will have before they change from weird to 'normal'.  He grabbed a coffee and met me at the table.  "Well?"  Is it bazaar that I'm about to ask my husband for advice on how I can convince my friend to come along and meet a guy?  I told him everything, there was no use or reason not too because I would tell him if I was changing states anyway.  "So, why don't you just tell Karen you're going to AC for the night and she can either go along or stay in Manhattan?"  Huh, I never even thought about just giving her a choice.  I guess sometimes the best answer is the simplest.  Dan clinked his coffee cup with mine and smiled, "wanna meet for lunch today?"  I love this man so much I can burst, "absolutely, let's do dim sum".  He grabbed his computer and left for work…I grabbed my phone and texted Karen...

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