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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Another Good-Bye XVIII

I was standing in Laguardia staring off into someone's lunch when I heard a woman crying to the agent. This airport is a nightmare on the clearest of days so in early February when the weather is even more unpredictable you should never expect to leave on time...if at all. I was standing next to the woman who was a mess of tears and sobbing after learning that there wasn't a seat for her on the plane and she would not be able to get home until morning. I reached over and placed my hand over hers to offer her any comfort and not really sure why she was so upset about a missed flight. She looked over and showed me a picture of a young man on her phone; her nephew was killed in Toronto earlier in the week and she was rushing to make the wake and then the funeral. By the time her plane would arrive into Toronto she would miss them both. She was on three planes today already trying to puddle jump into the city but was unsuccessful due to her stand by status of having to fly last minute. My ten year wedding anniversary is tomorrow and my son is a few hours away thinking that I don't love him anymore...Dan will understand...

The gentleman was attempting to calm her down but was not getting very far. If I stay and give her my seat then I can't leave for three days because of the All Star game in Toronto and lack of flights. I squeezed her hand and asked them to release my luggage and put me on the first flight after the weekend. I felt sick because I have to call Dan and tell him that I won't be home. The woman hugged me as I was walking back to the luggage claim and I have to believe this is happening for a reason.

I texted my son and asked him to meet me in North Bergen where Clarence lives because I still have the keys to his place and need these couple of days to be with him and then I dialled Dan and took a deep breath...

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