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My new married life in a nutshell...Married and Single at the Same Time. How I opened my marriage and started living a single life in NYC one week a month. You can find my book here https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1701860201

Saturday 25 March 2017

New Eyes...Same World III

She was reading a book in her room when I found her. She has this amazing ability to make my heart melt and eyes water. I knocked lightly on the door so she knew I was there; I love watching her face light up when she sees me. I walked over and sat down her in her tiny little toddler bed and listened to her read me Cat in the Hat books that she memorized from her bedtime routine with Dan. I laid down and closed my eyes listening to her voice and how it changes with each turn of the page; she has an unbelievable personality that manages to bring everything to life. I felt her little hand on my face and it's her way of letting me know she loves me; she doesn't say the words but she shows her emotions and prefers this way, I don't push to hear the words. I figured it out a few months back when every time I said "I love you" she would walk over and hug me. I placed my hand over hers and kissed her palm, "Bailey is coming to live here soon." I opened my eyes to see the largest toothy grin across her face. "Why is he coming mama?" She's probably confused since she was there when we moved him into his dorms across the country. "He's coming to go to school here." I could see her eyes light up and the wheels turning in her head, "So we will go to the same school?" Of course she thinks that is possible, which is what makes her one of my favourite people to hang out with along with her brother and Dan. I pulled her into me and kissed her cheeks, "Tell me again about Yertle the Turtle"...

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